Vikingen Investment School update May 17th!

small plant growing

Update May 17th from the Vikingen Investment School.

We received a sell signal from Vikingen and chose to sell and buy as below:

We sold Premium Snacks Nordic because the volume went down while the share price went up. It is a sign of weakness that led us to receive a sell signal from Vikingen Financial Software, which we acted on.

We bought 24SevenOffice Group AB instead. It met our criteria by being in the right price range, having a strong turnover and having several models in the Vikingen that gave this stock a buy signal.

We’ll be back early next week with a more detailed account of how our first week of investing developed based on our preferences and Viking Financial Software’s analysis. See you then!

What is the Vikingen Investment School?
We (Freya and Catrin) are women without huge savings who have invested 10 000 SEK and hope that you out there want to follow us. We are on a journey to learn how to become rich (-er) by investing on the stock exchange. Our ambition is that you will recognize yourself in us and want to join us from being beginners to knowledgeable investors. Whether you’re younger and hungrier with a longer investment horizon (like Freya) or more mature with less time to your retirement (like Catrin), we hope this journey will inspire you to learn more about investing. Follow us on FB and/or Linkedin.
We hope that our journey and increased knowledge in technical analysis and stock market trading will inspire more people like you. Investing in the stock market does not have to be laborious or complicated. We learn step by step together. With Peter Östevik as our mentor! Peter has been using Vikingen for 37 years and has developed several of its unique models, including the BEST Model!

To be continued!
See you again on May 20th!

Vikingen Financial Software would like to remind you that past positive results do not always indicate future profits, and that all stock market trading is at your own risk.

Yours sincerely
Catrin Abrahamsson-Beynon

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