Detailed Comparison

A detailed comparison of the different Vikingen subscriptions and what they include
Mini Exchange Trading Maxi
Price per month 7 USD 37 USD 55 USD 93 USD
Price per year 70 USD 367 USD 555 USD 930 USD
Technical analytic models Few, about 5 Yes, about 60 Yes, about 60 Yes, about 60 + one super model
Price data PPM-funds, Swedish version No No No No
Price data Nordic Large Shares Yes Yes Yes Yes
Price data Global Main Index Yes Yes Yes Yes
Company data, About 50 Key figures, Fundamentals, (P/E, P/S,turnover, profit, dividends, etc) Yes, for Nordic-LCAP Yes Yes Yes
Price data Nordic Large Cap, since 1980 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Price Data NASDAQ, since 1980 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Price Data NYSE, since 1980 Yes Yes Yes
Unique models, BEST, Peters special, multimodel Yes Yes Yes
Drawing tool, draw alarm lines Yes Yes Yes
Monitored lines for automatic signals Yes Yes Yes
Portfolio management Yes Yes Yes
Automatic signal ranking. Auto Pilots. Find the best equity Yes Yes Yes
Price data Spotlight Yes Yes Yes
Program and test own models
Function for own parameter optimization. Back testing Yes Yes
Save the best parameters per model and per object (share, index...) Yes Yes
Intraday update, 15 minutes delayed rates for shares, indexes and derivatives Yes Yes
The Tomorrow Signals feature. Next signal levels. Automatic monitored table. Yes Yes
Autopilot shows alarms Yes Yes
All subscriptions, all functions Yes
The option table with Black & Scholes Yes
Delphi Option analysis model. High propability Yes
Auto pilot for options Yes
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