Turbulent week in Vikingen Investment School!

We started positively in the Vikingen Investment School on May 27th.

Then some unexpected things happened. Today, May 31st, we have both sold and bought and look forward to next week’s developments. Join us below in the Vikingen Investment School and learn from our experiences.

We have made these changes today, May 31st and earlier during the week:

Gränges AB and Hoist have both been sold by us today and we went plus – minus zero on these.
And withOEM that we sold on Monday May 27th, we made a small profit.
24SevenOffice Group AB, this stock peaked on 29/5 and then we should have sold. As we are beginners, we did not pay enough attention to this change. And today when we look in Vikingen at this stock, we clearly see that the stock has come to a halt and fallen. We also read that the company has a general meeting in 10 days. We hope of course that it will mean a boost for the stock and that we can go up with it (and then maybe sell), but today it is uncertain what will happen. It can go both up and down. We choose to keep and wait. Its not good to sell a stock that has fallen back against its resistance.
Hexatronic (HTRO), this one we keep. The stock is performing well in both the short and long term.
Frontline Plc is retained. It’s pretty static at the moment, but feels safe.
LL Lucky Games AB was sold on May 27th. Which was the right decision then. You can now access the company’s website again.
Silver as a commodity – the ambition was that we wanted to purchase silver certificates Monday May 27th. A Bull Certificate was the plan, which indeed went up on Monday but then went mostly down. These risky investments are usually bought and sold on the same day and with the money you are prepared to lose. For us, we could not go through with the purchase because of technical problems with the platform from which we trade shares and other securities. But looking back, it was good that we did not invest in Silver.

What we bought todayfor the just over SEK 3000 kr we received after the above sales, we have invested as follows:
BankNordik P/F is a Danish bank in our price range, where we in Vikingen Investment School got an early buy signal today via RSI (relative strength index). The stock is showing a nice upward trend and has good fundamentals.
Per Aarsleff Holding is a very well-run company that is highly valued by several financial institutions. The stock both looks good in the long and short term.
MyFirstApp Sweden AB was the third and last stock we bought today. We have wathed this stock and now it is going up again. In addition, we were able to buy many, as it cost us 2.42 kr / share.

That was the week that passed.
Not quite as we would have liked, but now we are looking ahead. We haven’t lost any of our SEK10,000:- invstment, but our gains have been more than halved. We restart, brush off the dust and are trying our best to improve!

We will be back again on Monday afternoon, June 3.
Then we have some news to present. The Investment School blog will get an addition.
More on Monday.

We look forward to you following us on FB and/or Linkedin.
See you via this blog on June 3 again. Happy weekend to all investment friends out there!

Vikingen Financial Software would like to remind you that past positive results do not always indicate future profits, and that all stock market trading is at your own risk.

Yours sincerely
Catrin Abrahamsson-Beynon

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