White Pearl Technology will be listed on First North on June 29, 2023.

White Pearl Technology Group AB (tidigare DS Plattformen AB), har fått besked om att Bolaget uppfyller kraven för notering på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Det betyder att White Pearl kommer att avnoteras från NGM Nordic SME till följd därav. En annan direkt följd är att företaget får ett nytt kortnamn, också känt som ticker, i och med namnbytet som registreras hos Bolagsverket.

White Pearl Technology Group AB (formerly DS Plattformen AB), has been notified that the Company meets the requirements for listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. This means that White Pearl will be delisted from NGM Nordic SME as a result. Another direct consequence is that the company receives a new short name, also known as a ticker, as part of the name change, which is registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

On June 12, 2023, the Company announced that the acquisition of Whitepearl Holdings Limited was completed and that the Company as a result intends to apply for a change of listing of the Company’s class B shares to Nasdaq First North Growth Market for which the Company received preliminary approval on March 6, 2023.

The first day of trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market is expected to be June 29, 2023 and the last day of trading on Nordic SME is expected to be June 28, 2023.

As a result of the name change from DS Plattformen AB to White Pearl Technology Group AB, the Company’s shares of series B will continue to be traded under a new ticker: WPTG and with ISIN code SE0020203271. In connection with the change of listing, no offer or issue of new shares will be made and the shareholders of the Company will not need to take any action in connection with the planned change of listing.

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