Vikingen Investment School expands with weekly Stock Analysis!

More value for you who follow the Vikingen Investment School!
To add more value to you who follow this blog, we are expanding the Vikingen Investment School with a weekly stock analysis that we call “Analysis of the Week” by
Starting Friday June 7th, Bjørn Inge Pettersen at StockCharts365 will deliver the “Analysis of the Week” here in this blog. “Analysis of the Week” will be a presentation of an interesting stock in the Nordic region, selected by Bjørn Inge. From time to time, the analysis will focus on related topics such as interesting stock market indexes, commodities and cryptocurrencies.

The complete analysis is of course done through Vikingen, which Bjørn Inge Pettersen has used since the program was launched in 1986. Bjørn Inge begun with technical analysis at a young age and has been using Vikingen for 36 years. He has been very satisfied with the choice of Vikingen for technical analysis, both in his position as a stockbroker, as a technical analyst, as a fund manager and as a private investor.

Bjørn Inge Pettersen has run Aksjeanalyser. com during the past 12 years and has recently started and launched the international technical analysis service called

In this blog on Monday’s you will be able to read Bjørn Inge Pettersen’s analyses and stock tips. Make sure you, your friends and colleagues follow us on FB and/or Linkedin.

Holdings and commentary on the Viking Investment School
These are the shares we have kept and sold today:
24SevenOffice Group AB, we will have to live with this share for a while longer. The stock peaked on 29/5 and we should have sold then. We read that the company has a general meeting on 11/6. We hope of course that it will mean a boost for the share before the meeting and that we can go up (and then sell), so we choose to keep and wait. It’s not good to sell a stock that has fallen back against its resistance.
Hexatronic (HTRO) The stock is performing well in both the short and long term. We keep this one.
We bought MyFirstApp Sweden AB last Friday, a bit of gambling, our mentor Peter did not know about this and the purchase was not very good. The trend is downwards on this stock unfortunately. We keep and hope for an upturn, and then we will sell!
BankNordik P/F a Danish Bank that we keep, the stock is slowly trending up and has good fundamentals.
Per Aarsleff Holding we keep this well-managed company that has a good forecast.
Frontline Plc we choose to sell the stock because we made good profit on it. We buy what you see below. Three stocks that are now trending strongly upwards.

This is what we buy today June 3rd:
With more than SEK 4,000 we received after the sale of Frontline, we buy the following:
Berner Industrier AB, the stock is trending strongly upwards and gives a strong volatile buy signal in Vikingen. The stock is undervalued. A good buy.
Cell Impact from Örebro is an interesting company, the stock is definitely in our price range and if their business idea shows to be as good as it sounds, this could be a hit. Cell Impact develops and manufactures environmentally friendly flow plates for fuel cells and electrolyzers, and offers services related to their core business.
Saniona AB is another interesting stock in our price range. This is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that is a leader in ion channel modulation for the treatment of epilepsy and other neurological diseases. This stock is trending nicely upwards right now and we are buying some of this one too.

Last week we wrote about the commodity Silver
If you want to invest in silver, now might be a good time to buy Bear Certificates, i.e. certificates that believe the underlying commodity is going down. However, these investments are very risky so take it easy and invest only one day at a time.

What is the Viking Investment School?
Vikingen Investment School started on May 13th, 2024. We who write this blog do not have huge savings, so we have chosen to invest SEK 10,000. We hope that you will join us in learning how to get rich(er) on the stock market. Our ambition is that you will want to join us on the journey from beginner to skilled investor. If you have more than SEK 10,000 to invest, it’s of course even more interesting, but the principles are the same. And at the end of this week, we’re adding even more value to the blog by adding“Analysis of the Week” by StockCharts365. com.

Vikingen shows the way!
Through Vikingen Financial Software and our mentor Peter Östevik, we select the stocks / other investment objects that are most worth buying right now. Don’t miss a blog episode – follow us on FB and/or Linkedin.

We’ll be back again at the end of week 23
with“Analysis of the Week” by StockCharts365. com.
Welcome to the website!

We look forward to you following us on FB and/or Linkedin.
Have a great week!

Vikingen Financial Software would like to remind you that past positive results do not always indicate future profits, and that all stock market trading is at your own risk.

Yours sincerely
Catrin Abrahamsson-Beynon

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