US banks are sitting on huge real estate debt

För närvarande finns det ungefär 6 biljon USD i kommersiella fastighetsskulder (CRE) i USA. De amerikanska bankerna har en jättestor tre biljoner dollar, eller 50 procent, av denna utestående skuld. I år kommer ~929 miljarder dollar, eller en sjättedel av denna skuld, att refinansieras, enligt Goldman Sachs.

Currently, there is approximately $6 trillion in commercial real estate (CRE) debt in the United States. US banks hold a whopping three trillion dollars, or 50%, of this outstanding debt. This year, ~929 billion dollars, or one sixth of this debt, will be refinanced, according to Goldman Sachs.

Interest rates on these loans are set to double or even triple since they were taken. All while many of these CRE projects are bankrupt or cash flow negative.

Can these banks weather the storm?

Source: Apollo, The Kobeissi Letter

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