Did you know that Viking offers price data on US stocks as well?

Vill du följa och analysera några av de största bolagen i världen? När dollarn går upp är det extra intressant att äga aktier i USA (och tvärtom när det går ned…). Vikingen erbjuder kursdata på amerikanska aktier också.

Want to follow and analyze some of the biggest companies in the world? When the dollar goes up, it’s particularly interesting to own US stocks (and vice versa when it goes down…). The Viking offers price data on US stocks as well.

Eight reasons why you should invest in US stocks

Offering a wide range of securities to trade, investing in the US is something every investor should take a closer look at. Discover some of the key benefits of investing in the US stock market.

Is it worth investing in the US stock market?

Investing in the US stock market can be worthwhile for Swedish investors who mainly focus on the Swedish stock market.

The US stock market offers several potential benefits.

It provides access to a wide range of industries and various investment opportunities. With the US market being the largest and most liquid in the world, major exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ list many well-established and innovative companies.

By investing in US stocks, you can benefit from diversification. It allows you to expand your investment portfolio beyond the Stockholm Stock Exchange and gain exposure to sectors and industries that may not be well represented in the Swedish market.

US stocks have historically shown strong long-term growth potential. Many of the world’s leading technology, health and consumer companies are based in the US. Investing in these sectors can offer opportunities for capital growth.

It is important to note that investing in any stock market carries risks, and it is advisable to do thorough research or seek guidance from a financial advisor before making investment decisions.

Benefits of investing in US stocks

  • Diversification
  • Investing with smaller amounts using fractional shares
  • Access to the world’s largest companies – global reach
  • Potential for strong returns
  • convenience
  • Low brokerage fees
  • 8,000+ stocks and ETFs
  • Liquidity

Reasons why you should invest in US stocks

1. diversification

Accessing price data on US stocks provides significant diversification benefits. The US stock market is very diverse and covers a wide range of industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, consumer goods, energy and more. By including US stocks in your portfolio, you can spread your investments across different sectors and companies, reducing the risk of overexposure to a single market or industry. This diversification can help mitigate the impact of each individual company’s performance or sector-specific challenges on your overall investment returns.

2. Investing with smaller amounts using fractional shares

Fractional shares allow you to invest in US stocks even if you have limited capital. Instead of buying whole shares, fractional investing allows you to buy part of a share. This allows you to spread smaller amounts over several shares, making your portfolio more efficient.

The benefits of fractional shares are particularly clear for high-priced stocks like Netflix or Nvidia, where buying a whole share can be expensive. With fractional investment, you can still participate in the growth potential of these companies without requiring a significant upfront investment.

Not every investment platform that offers a US investment account allows you to trade parts of stocks, but there are several that do.

3. Access to the world’s largest companies

The US has the largest stock market in the world, home to many of the world’s largest and most influential companies. Investing in US stocks gives you exposure to global giants that have a significant impact on the global economy and a huge market value.

Companies like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and Google are listed on US stock exchanges, providing opportunities to invest in industry leaders with global reach. The growth potential of these companies extends beyond the US market, allowing you to share in their success and benefit from their innovative products, services and market dominance in various sectors.

4. potential for strong returns

The US market has historically shown the potential to generate strong long-term returns and is known for its vibrant entrepreneurial culture, innovation and economic stability. Entering the US stock market allows you to tap into the growth and profitability of established companies and emerging market leaders.

However, it is important to note that past performance does not guarantee future performance. Conducting thorough research and assessing the prospects of individual companies is essential to identify those with the potential for strong returns and align them with your investment objectives.

5. convenience

Buying and selling US-listed shares has become increasingly convenient, thanks to the emergence of online investment platforms. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces, streamlined account setup processes and easy access to market data and surveys. You can easily manage your investments, monitor market performance and execute trades from the comfort of your home or on the go via a mobile investment app.

6. Low brokerage fees

Several investment platforms offer competitive prices and low brokerage fees for trading US shares. This cost efficiency is particularly beneficial for Nordic investors, as lower brokerage fees can help minimize the overall costs of investing in US equities. Lower brokerage fees can have a positive impact on your investment returns, especially if you trade frequently or have a smaller portfolio.

By choosing an investment platform with low fees, you can optimize your investment performance and potentially generate higher net returns over time.

7. Various 8 000+ shares and ETFs

Of all the stock markets in the world, the US has the largest number of investment options, with over 8,000 stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) listed on major US exchanges. This extensive selection gives you plenty of choice to build a diversified portfolio tailored to your investment objectives and risk tolerance. You can invest in different sectors, stock market values and investment styles, allowing you to create a well-rounded portfolio to suit your preferences.

8. Liquidity

The US stock market is very liquid, meaning there is a high volume of trading activity and a large number of buyers and sellers. This liquidity allows you to buy or sell US stocks relatively quickly at competitive prices. The ability to enter or exit positions without significant market impact provides flexibility in managing your investments and reacting to market developments. Liquidity is particularly important for active traders or investors who value the ability to execute transactions efficiently.

You can find price data on US stocks under the products tab, Supplements.


Want to follow and analyze some of the biggest companies in the world? Here you can analyze the giants like Berkshire, Apple, Microsoft, JP Morgan and Google. From: 79 kr / month.

Order Nasdaq here

NYSE, New York Stock Exchange

New York Stock Exchange, USA Shares from $79 per month.

Order the NYSE here


Want to trade funds as if they were shares? You can with ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) This add-on gives you buy and sell recommendations on funds from the US. From:79 kr/month

The USA ETF works with the Viking Exchange, Trading, Standard and Option.

Order US ETFs here

About the Viking

With Viking’s signals, you have a good chance of finding the winners and selling in time. There are many securities. With Viking’s autopilots or tables, you can sort out the most interesting ETFs, stocks, options, warrants, funds, and so on.

Click here to see what Vikingen offers: Detailed comparison – Stock market program for those who want to become even richer (vikingen.se)

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