We are expanding our range of raw materials

Utbud för råvaror Vi lyssnar på våra användare. Vikingens databas för historiska börskurser innehåller redan i dag mer än 20 000 olika värdepapper, det är allt från index, råvaror, valutor, svenska och utländska aktier till certifikat.

We listen to our users. Viking’s database of historical stock prices already contains more than 20,000 different securities, ranging from indices, commodities, currencies, Swedish and foreign shares to certificates.

It wasn’t enough, you said, so we did what you wanted. During the year, we added to the database historical stock prices for all the exchange-traded funds traded on the German Xetra. With 45 issuers, around 2,500 ETFs and ETPs and €19 billion in average monthly turnover on the exchange, Xetra® is the leading trading venue in Europe for trading ETFs, Exchange Traded Funds.
Add this package to your subscription here

You liked it, but wanted more. Now we have started adding other things, such as additional prices for raw materials. We have recently added prices for wheat, cocoa and coffee.

You now have access to the following new instruments,

ID Raw material
133698 Milling Wheat Future 1st Front Month
174489 Cocoa Future 1st Front Month
757472 Coffee ‘C’ Future 1st Front Month

Today, all prices for raw materials are completely free, provided you have a starter kit of course.

About the Viking

With Viking’s signals, you have a good chance of finding the winners and selling in time. There are many securities. With Viking’s autopilots or tables, you can sort out the most interesting ETFs, stocks, options, warrants, funds, and so on.

Click here to see what Vikingen offers: Detailed comparison – Stock market program for those who want to become even richer (vikingen.se)

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