Seasonal update for the S&P 500 reporting period

I mitten av Q2:s säsongsuppdatering för S&P 500 är antalet företag som rapporterar positiva resultatöverraskningar över de senaste genomsnitten. Omfattningen av dessa vinstöverraskningar ligger under de senaste genomsnitten. 51 % av företagen i S&P 500 har hittills rapporterat faktiska resultat för Q2 2023.

In the middle of the Q2 seasonal update for the S&P 500, the number of companies reporting positive earnings surprises is above recent averages. The magnitude of these earnings surprises is below recent averages. 51% of S&P 500 companies have so far reported actual results for Q2 2023.

Of these companies, 80% have reported actual earnings per share above estimates, which is above the 5-year average of 77% and above the 10-year average of 73%. Overall, businesses report revenues that are 5.9% above estimates.

In the coming week, 170 S&P 500 companies (including four Dow 30 components) are scheduled to report second quarter results. It remains to be seen whether this seasonal update will be stronger than usual.

In the middle of the Q2 Seasonal Update for the S&P 500, the number of companies reporting positive earnings surprises is above recent averages. The magnitude of these earnings surprises is below recent averages. 51% of companies in the S&P 500 have so far reported actual earnings for Q2 2023.

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