How much sugar will India produce next season?

Hur mycket socker kommer Indien att producera nästa säsong? Baserat på vad råvarumarknaden vet uppskattas det att Indien kommer att producera 32,5 miljoner ton socker 2023/2024. Det är en liten minskning jämfört med föregående säsong. Detta är emellertid 5,5 miljoner ton mer än konsumtionen, vilket skapar ett överskott av socker som skulle kunna exporteras.

How much sugar will India produce next season? Based on what the commodity market knows, it is estimated that India will produce 32.5 million tons of sugar in 2023/2024. This is a slight decrease compared to the previous season. However, this is 5.5 million tons more than consumption, creating a surplus of sugar that could be exported.

The Indian sugarcane area is not likely to decrease. Sugar prices have been rising for over a decade and there is no reason to suggest that we will see a reduction in area in /2024.

Even without an increase in sugar prices, sugarcane is very attractive to India’s farmers because government policies are designed to support the large rural population. Much of the sugar cane grown will be used to produce ethanol, both for the 2023/2024 season and beyond.

Next season, another one million tons of sucrose is expected to be used to produce ethanol, bringing the total sucrose use to 5.5 million tons. This follows India’s plan to reach E20 fuels (gasoline blended with 20% ethanol) by 2025, with ethanol from sugar production as a key feedstock.

Sugarcane harvest and government policy

Almost everyone was surprised by the sugar harvest in the last two seasons. In the 2021/2022 marketing year, initial estimates significantly underestimated sugar production. The opposite happened this season with estimates falling by as much as 4 million tons during the season.

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