Have we seen the end of gold outflows?

Vi har just upplevt den längsta serien av utflöden från guld sedan november förra året när metallen nådde en botten och ökade med 26 procent under de efterföljande månaderna. Detta är ett klassiskt tecken på svaghet innan en betydande marknadsrörelse.

We have just experienced the longest series of outflows from the gold since November last year when the metal hit a bottom and increased by 26% in the following months. This is a classic sign of weakness before a significant market movement.

Investors have been shaken up after a triple top resistance, although historically these formations almost never work.

This is likely to develop in the context of silver breaking a 15-year downward trend line and potentially moving significantly higher.

A strongly convincing setup for precious metals to perform exceptionally well in the short term.

Source: Bank of America Global research

Source: Vikingen.se

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