Two stocks in the S&P500 account for 15% of the index

De två bästa aktierna i S&P 500 (Apple & Microsoft) representerar nu sammanlagt 15 procent av indexet, den högsta viktningen för två företag med data som går tillbaka till 1980. Apple och Microsoft är nu båda större än hela Russell 2000-indexet.

The top two stocks in the S&P 500 (Apple & Microsoft) now represent a combined 15% of the index, the highest weighting for two companies with data going back to 1980. Apple and Microsoft are now both larger than the entire Russell 2000 index.

The S&P 500 is up 16.5% this year, but the top 10 stocks account for 93% of that gain.

The 10 largest companies have a 33% weight in the S&P 500. Just 10 years ago, no single stock in the S&P 500 had a weight above three percent. Today, there are five such companies.

Source: Charlie Bilello

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